Children's Ministry
At Bethany Christian Church we want to see our children love Jesus for the rest of their lives. We want them to learn about Christian Faith and allow them to grow, to believe, to belong and become like Jesus.
youth sunday school
The Youth Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9:00a, in the Youth Room (located in the Sunday School Hallway). All Elementary, Middle, and Highschool students are welcomed.
Contact: Amanda Brunni 252-876-2035
kids connect
Kids Connect is held during the Sunday Worship Service for kids K-5. Children worship with their families in the sanctuary and leave with the Kids Connect teacher prior to the start of the message. Kids can be picked up from the Kids Connect room in the Sunday School hallway at the end of the service.
Contact: Amanda Brunni 252-876-2035
Children birth-kindergarten are welcomed during the entire Sunday Service.
Contact: Amanda Brunni 252-876-2035
girls of grace
Girls of Grace meets every Thursday from 6:30p-8:30p upstairs in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner is provided, followed by a faith based discussion, study, or lesson. 4th grade – 8th are welcomed to join us!
Contact: Amanda Brunni 252-876-2035
GROW is our Summer Day Camp program for rising 1st graders to rising 9th graders. If you’d like more information about GROW please reach out using the contact information below.
Amanda Brunni 252-876-2035
Cyndi Brunni 252-531-8465