About us
In 1875 a group of men and women living in the Stony Branch Community of Craven County began to meet as a church body in the current Grange Hall as members of the Disciples of Christ Church. In 1890 they purchased land approximately five miles east of their location and established Bethany Christian Church in a small building still with the current membership. By July 19, 1939, the membership had increased necessitating a larger building. The church members purchased a former church building, St Thomas Episcopal, and relocated it to the current site where it was used until 2001. In the mid-1950’s -1960’s plans for an educational building were developed with

construction completed in the early 1960’s. In 1972, an A-Frame roof was added to the Educational Building. With that completed, a larger sanctuary came under discussion, but no action was taken. A storm in May 2001 caused such destruction to the sanctuary that the membership decided a larger sanctuary would be the best avenue to pursue. The new sanctuary was completed the following year where the first service was held was for the Homecoming celebration. In June 2008 Bethany Christian Church membership voted to leave the Disciples of Christ denomination and became a non-denominational body whose doctrine was to be Biblical based following the principles and virtues found in the Bible.