Christian Women's Fellowship
7:00p @ BCC
The women of the church are all members should they choose to be involved. This group’s focus is to support the ministry of the church and its members through prayer and fellowship as well as hands-on activities such as baby showers, bridal showers, meals for illness, or other needs as they arise. The group reaches out to our community schools for support with their projects as well as collections for families in need during the holiday season or times of trials.
Nancy White
8:00a @ BCC
Christian Men's Fellowship
The men of the church are all members should they choose to be involved. This group’s focus is to support the ministry of the church and its members through prayer and fellowship. The men often perform duties where care of the church’s physical structure is needed such as power washing or care of plant beds. Serving members who need assistance with home responsibilities they are unable to perform are also duties of the CWF.
wednesday night
bible study
Meal: 6:15PM Study: 7:00PM
Studying the Bible together in a relaxed and informal manner is our focus. The evening starts with a meal followed by the study of scripture. We have lively discussions and at the end of the evening we pray and ask God to apply what we have learned to better serve Him, each other, and our community.
Women's Bible Study
Every Friday Morning
10:00a-11:00a @ BCC
A study of God's word using scripture, concordances, and probing discussions
Women's Contemporary
Book Study
New Study Coming Soon
A study of God’s Word through contemporary women’s authors.
Senior Ministry
1st and 3rd Thursday of each month
10:00a-2:00p @ BCC Senior Center
A time of senior fellowship with crafts and conversation, puzzles and special occasion activities, devotions, and health care checks by the local EMT in the morning. Lunch is served at midday with Bingo and lots of prizes following lunch.
Women's Jail Ministry
The focus of the Jail Ministry is to bring God’s Word to the women there assuring them that God can and will forgive all our sins when we repent and ask for forgiveness. Showing these women that they are loved by God, praying with them individually, and speaking with the group without condemnation but with Godly encouragement instead are our tools to lead these women to make better life decisions.
Currently the Jail has not opened up to visitation since COVID so bi-monthly newsletters are sent to the jail for the women. When the Jail Ministry team is permitted to return to face-to-face ministry, they meet twice monthly on Friday evenings from7:00-8:00PM.
Shut-in Ministry
Church members reach out in fellowship to both members and community members who are unable to be out within the community due to health concerns. Special holidays are highlighted through visits, small gifts, cards, and calls.