The church on the corner that cares
christian Church
We will be His witnesses to the ends of the earth through the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
CMF (Christian Men's Fellowship) -Breakfast, Fellowship & Devotion; 8 am, Youth/Senior Center.
DEC 5 & 19
Senior's - Meet at 10am on 1st & 3rd Thursday of each month, 10am, Youth/Senior Center.
Youth Family Night "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS" - 6pm, Fellowship Hall - Register here
DEC 12
Ladies Lunch Out - Join us on Thursday @ 12 noon, Musashi's in New Bern for lunch and fellowship. Please contact Nancy White at 252.670.0852 if you would like to join the group so reservations can be made.
Lead Pastor
Bethany Christian Church is looking for a new pastor. This is a part-time or bi-vocational position. We can't wait to meet the special person that God has already chosen for us!
Bethany Christian Church is a non-denominational church, located just outside the city of New Bern, NC. Our church was founded in 1890 with just 11 members. We are a small congregation ranging in age from toddlers to seniors with an average of 51 in attendance each Sunday. We have various ministries at Bethany including our Men's, Women's, Senior's and Youth Groups.
We are located in the small community of Jasper, just outside the city of New Bern, North Carolina. Our community has many farms, good schools, and good people from all walks of life.
If you are passionate about serving others, fostering spiritual growth, and making a positive impact on people's lives, we invite you to apply for this position. Please submit your resume and a recorded sermon along with a cover letter detailing your relevant experience to bccpastorcommittee@gmail.com.